These Amazing Ear Phones Will Be Your Best Sports Companion! They Will Remain In Place When You Do Sports, You Won't Even Feel Them! Finely Engineered With 9D Sound. Comfortable Ear Hook Design, Handsfree, And Long Battery Life.
IPX7 Waterproof: The IPX7 rating means the electrical equipment inside the headphones is protected against immersion in water for up to 30 minutes in shallow water.
Magnetic Charging Compartment: Simply put them back in the case and they will get charged automatically. The charging compartment is made of military-grade durable materials that make it sturdy and durable, charge faster, and protect the charging port.
Comfortable Fit for Your Ear: Adjustable, secure-fit ear hooks for lightweight comfort and stability. Is placed on the outside of your ear so you won't feel it and its user-friendly shape is comfortable and adjusts easily. It will remain in place when you run or do sports, you won't even feel it!
LED Digital Battery Power Display: Come with Battery Power Display that gives you information about the remaining battery so you can charge it when it is most convenient.